Tag Archive | Poemas

Ending The Day

The ocean so lovely
The sun about to set
I gaze into your misty eyes
You make my heart flutter
Your arms wrap around me
You pull me in closer
My heart against yours
Yours against mine
They beat as one
Laying my head on your shoulder
I whisper in your ear
“I Love You”
In return you lean in for a kiss
Ending the day
Together as one…
“Meet me where the sky touches the sea.
Wait for me where the world begins.”

~Jennifer Donnelly ~


Poema-My Love

Embrace me not with your touch but with your hands.
Touch me not with your eyes but with your heart.
Hear me not with your words but with mine.
Love me not for who i will be but for who i am now.
Listen to me not because you can but because you want to.
Be near me not because you have to but because you need to.
Trust me not because you want to but because it feels right.
See me for what i am becoming not for what i once was.
Kiss me like there is no tomorrow.
My passion never wanes.

~ Kevin Harling ~

Far Away

Far away, far away,
Far away from here…
There is no worry after joy
Or away from fear
Far away from here.
Her lips were not very red,
Nor her hair quite gold.
Her hands played with rings.
She did not let me hold
Her hands playing with gold.
Far away from pain.
Joy can touch her not, nor hope
Enter her domain,
Neither love in vain.
Perhaps at some day beyond
Shadows and light
She will think of me and make
All me a delight
All away from sight.

~Fernando Pessoa ~


Ser Criança…


Ser Criança..

Essa sinceridade de ver tudo como deveria ser..

Essa felicidade de ter alegria nos olhos.

Essa simplicidade de ser símbolo de amor..

De paz.. De liberdade.. De inocência.. De pureza..

Essa realidade de viver num mundo perfeito..

Essa capacidade de inventar o faz de conta..

De viajar em fantasias..

De viver em contos de fadas..

De habitar jardins de alegria..

Esse dom de sorrir

Com risos enfeitiçados de magia..

Esse poder de nascer de novo a cada dia..

Todos temos uma criança dentro de nós..

Eu tenho.. E tu?

Vamos deixá-la despertar para a vida..

Libertar toda a beleza da simplicidade de sentimentos..

Vamos experimentar tudo de uma forma simples..

Em gestos.. Em olhares.. Em sorrisos..

Vamos brincar de celebrar a vida.. A paz.. O amor..

Vamos brincar de ser sinceros..

Vamos brincar de ser capazes de amar..

Vamos brincar de fazer amor..

Vamos brincar de olhar nos olhos..

Vamos brincar de se entregar..

Vamos brincar de ser feliz..

Vamos brincar de viver..

Vamos brincar de ser CRIANÇA..

P.S.-Do Meu Blog de Poesias;
